Automotive Steering Wheel Lock Remover

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How it Works on the AutoLock:

"Busting Off " Brake Club Locks

Step #1:  When necessary, remove Wing Nut and retaining bolt. Replace retaining bolt at the top. Place “V” shaped notches at ends of bow against the brake lock bar. Attach hook where lock device and ribbed bar of the brake lock meet. Use a wrench to twist wing nut.

Step #2:  Remove Wing nut and Retaining bolt. Place Retaining bolt above the bow. 

Step #3:  With a wrench, twist retaining bolt until the Buster™ is snug on the bar. 
Step #4:  Continue twisting wing nut, bending the bar until it "snaps" in half!

WARNING: Always wear safety goggles when using this product.

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